Und noch mehr, was Steven Moffat über die neue …

Und noch mehr, was Steven Moffat über die neue Staffel zu sagen hat:

Nach dem Staffel 8 Finale, hat Moffat gefallen daran gefunden, wieder Doppelfolgen zu schreiben und so werden diese wieder häufiger in Staffel 9 auftauchen. Er begründet es damit, dass es spannender für das Publikum ist, wenn es nicht weiß, ob eine Story noch weiter geht oder in den nächsten 5 Minuten endet.


“We’re changing the rhythm of [the show] quite a bit. For a long while, those 45-minute stories were the backbone of Doctor Who. They felt new and fresh and different. It just started to feel to me, that as a member of the audience, you were getting too acquainted with the rhythm of it. You sort of think, ‘Well, now it’s about time for the music to come up.’

“Writing the first two-parter that I had done in years [with Dark Water/Death in Heaven] I just thought, I’m liking this. This feels more unpredictable.’ Because you don’t know how far you’re going to get through the story…

He continues: “The rule I’ve got is that you won’t be absolutely certain whether a show is going to be a two-parter or not. And sometimes something that looks like it’s going to be a single, isn’t a single. I think the nice thing is not having the feeling of, ‘It’s five minutes until the end of Doctor Who, so he’s bound to start running now.’”

He adds: “With each of the two-parters we’re doing, there’s a substantial difference between the two halves.”

Was sagt Ihr dazu? Mehr Doppelfolgen oder doch lieber beim 45 Minuten Format bleiben?

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Steven Moffat, derzeitiger Showrunner von Doktor …

Steven Moffat, derzeitiger Showrunner von Doctor Who, hat ein kleines Interview zur 9. Staffel im neuesten Doctor Who Magazine gegeben.

Dort erklärt er, dass der 12. Doktor sich weiterentwickelt hat und nicht genau dort ansetzt, wo er zuletzt war.

Das ganze Interview hier im O-Ton:

“We’re not bringing him back exactly the same as we left him, at all. I think that was already evident at Christmas. He’s left some of the burden of being the superhero of the universe behind. Also, Peter magnifies anything that is dark. So I’m pushing him – I’m writing quite funny this year – I’m pushing him the other way.”

He adds: “He’s also got a Scottish gloom about him. If you gave him a Matt Smith script, it would come out very, very differently. I think it was great fun to do for a year. But no, that’s not how we’re going to play the rest of him.”

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Hier findet Ihr eine Übersicht aller bisher auf …

Hier findet Ihr eine Übersicht aller bisher auf deutsch erschienen (oder bereits vorbestellbaren) Doctor Who Bücher von Cross Cult – Comics & Romane!

Rad aus Eis: https://www.amazon.de/dp/3864251958?tag=whoview-21

Wunderschönes Chaos: https://www.amazon.de/dp/386425311X?tag=whoview-21

11 Doktoren, 11 Geschichten: https://www.amazon.de/dp/3864253128?tag=whoview-21

Shada: https://www.amazon.de/dp/3864254442?tag=whoview-21

Wann ist der Doktor?: https://www.amazon.de/dp/3864255651?tag=whoview-21

Kriegsmaschinen: https://www.amazon.de/dp/386425292X?tag=whoview-21

Die Blutzelle: https://www.amazon.de/dp/3864257921?tag=whoview-21

Silhouette: https://www.amazon.de/dp/3864257999?tag=whoview-21

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