News | Doctor Who – „Rosa“: Alle Infos zur heutigen Ausstrahlung | Auf BBC One
Episode 3 – „Rosa“ | 19:55 Uhr (deutsche Zeit) | auf BBC One
Offizielle Inhaltsangabe von „Rosa“:
Montgomery, Alabama. 1955. Der Doktor und ihre Freunde finden sich im tiefen Süden von Amerika wieder. Als sie dort auf eine Näherin namens Rosa Parks treffen, fangen sie an sich zu fragen, ob jemand versucht die Geschichte zu ändern.
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20 Teaser zur Folge (auf Englisch):
- 1. Apparently, the Doctor doesn’t yet consider Yasmin, Ryan, and Graham to be her “companions” as, despite the call to adventure inherent in the Doctor’s words at the end of “The Ghost Monument,” “Rosa” begins with the Doctor merely trying to return the three to Sheffield.
- 2. Despite picking up almost immediately after “The Ghost Monument,” everyone has apparently had time to visit the TARDIS wardrobe, including the Doctor, who sports a new shirt.
- 3. Did . . . did they just make a joke about the female Doctor not being able to drive the TARDIS? Oh, that is not going to sit well with the Internet.
- 4. Guess which King the Doctor leant a mobile phone to?
- 5. Artron energy!
- 6. We finally get a rousing “Brilliant!” from the Doctor.
- 7. The TARDIS and Rosa Parks have something in common.
- 8. Perception filter!
- 9. Who is “G. F. B.”?
- 10. Best exchange: “Can we **** it?” “…is the right question!”
- 11. “Nah, not that one. Second-hand. Huge mileage. One careless owner.”
- 12. ****** ***i*******!
- 13. Both the Doctor and Graham have aliases, and UK viewers will recognize them both!
- 14. Apparently, the Doctor and a companion are . . . married?
- 15. *t****a**!
- 16. Jodie Whittaker almost gets the Colin Baker treatment
- 17. Guess who else uses that mobile phone!
- 18. Literally caused me to tear up: “No, no, I don’t want to be **** ** ***.”
- 19. “Rosa” distinctly shows what “The Ghost Monument” did not: the TARDIS’ time rotor, despite being a jagged crystal column, does move up and down during flight.
- 20. We can add two more U.S. Presidents to the list of those who have appeared in Doctor Who.
(Teaser von Clint Hassels von