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Der deutsche Trailer für die „Die Fünf Doktoren“ DVD!

Der deutsche Trailer für die DVD Veröffentlichung von „Die Fünf Doktoren“ von Pandastorm Pictures.
Hier könnt Ihr die DVDs vorbestellen: https://www.amazon.de/Doctor-Who-F%C3%BCnf-Doktoren-DVDs/dp/B00YTANIYW?tag=whoview-21
Hier findet Ihr das Comic-Con Panel von Doctor Who
Der erste Trailer zur 9. Staffel!
Hier findet Ihr eine Übersicht aller bisher auf …

Hier findet Ihr eine Übersicht aller bisher auf deutsch erschienen (oder bereits vorbestellbaren) Doctor Who Bücher von Cross Cult – Comics & Romane!
Rad aus Eis: https://www.amazon.de/dp/3864251958?tag=whoview-21
Wunderschönes Chaos: https://www.amazon.de/dp/386425311X?tag=whoview-21
11 Doktoren, 11 Geschichten: https://www.amazon.de/dp/3864253128?tag=whoview-21
Shada: https://www.amazon.de/dp/3864254442?tag=whoview-21
Wann ist der Doktor?: https://www.amazon.de/dp/3864255651?tag=whoview-21
Kriegsmaschinen: https://www.amazon.de/dp/386425292X?tag=whoview-21
Die Blutzelle: https://www.amazon.de/dp/3864257921?tag=whoview-21
Silhouette: https://www.amazon.de/dp/3864257999?tag=whoview-21
Der kriechende Schrecken: https://www.amazon.de/dp/3864258049?tag=whoview-21
Die Stadt des Todes: https://www.amazon.de/dp/386425793X?tag=whoview-21
Heute wurde das erste offizielle Szenenbild aus …

Heute wurde das erste offizielle Szenenbild aus der 9. Staffel veröffentlicht.
Dazu gab es ein kurzes, aber interessantes, Interview mit Peter Capaldi in der aktuellen Entertainment Weekly:
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Are you looking forward to Comic-Con?
PETER CAPALDI: Very much. Comic-Con is so legendary, so a great thrill to be invited along.
EW: You told me last year that, as a child, you were always more intrigued than frightened by Doctor Who. But are you nervous at all about appearing in front of 7,000 people at the Doctor Who panel?
PC: Very nervous. Don’t think I’ver ever stood in front of 7,000 people in my life. But if 7,000 people want to see us, it would be rude not to turn up.
EW: If you were going to walk the Comic-Con floor disguised as a monster from Doctor Who, or as anything or anyone else, what or who would it be?
PC: A white walker from Game of Thrones. Or, from Doctor Who, a menoptra.
EW: Could you tease the two-part premiere?
PC: It places the Doctor in a conflict that is central to his being, as well as containning some subtle tributes to the ’60s, and truly wonderful guest performances.
EW: What can you tell us about the exclusive photograph from the premiere (see above)?
PC: The photo shows the Doctor about to make a mistake that has cataclysmic repercussions.
EW: How is the Doctor different this season from last?
PC: He’s throwing himself into life with a newfound hunger for adventure. He’s in pursuit of joy and grabbing every thrill that he can along the way. But I sense him running from something, that even he does not yet understand.
EW: Tell us about the villains and monsters the Doctor will be encountering this season?
PC: There is an epic sweep to this season and I think the villains and monsters reflect that. Great new ones, brilliant old ones, and some very scary creatures looming in stories with real emotional ambition.
EW: And Missy?
PC: In the hands of Michelle Gomez, Missy is more magnificently bad than ever before.
EW: Maisie Williams is one of the new season’s guest stars. How was working with her?
PC: Maisie is fantastic. A sharp, talented tornado. As an 18-year-old, she has taught me many new words and expressions. All I’ll say about her character is she shifts in cosmic ways.
EW: How would you describe the relationship between your Doktor and Jenna Coleman’s Clara this season?
PC: They’ve suddenly realized that they are the most fortunate people in all of time and space and are hellbent on adventure. Jenna continutes to deliver a beautifully nuanced, complex, and funny performance that marks her out as one of the best companions ever.
EW: Jenna had planned on leaving last season before changing her mind. Will these be her last shows?
PC: I hope not.
Eine Auflistung der deutschen Doctor Who …

Eine Auflistung der deutschen Doctor Who Veröffentlichungen der nächsten Wochen und Monate:
DVDs von Pandastorm Pictures:
Die Fünf Doktoren: https://www.amazon.de/Doctor-Who-F%C3%BCnf-Doktoren-DVDs/dp/B00YTANIYW?tag=whoview-21
Bücher von Cross Cult – Comics & Romane:
Silhouette: https://www.amazon.de/Doctor-Who-Silhouette-Justin-Richards/dp/3864257999?tag=whoview-21
Die Stadt des Todes: https://www.amazon.de/Doctor-Who-Die-Stadt-Todes/dp/386425793X?tag=whoview-21
Der kriechende Terror: https://www.amazon.de/Doctor-Who-kriechende-Mike-Tucker/dp/3864258049?tag=whoview-21
Comics von Panini:
Der zehnte Doktor Band 1: https://www.amazon.de/Doctor-Who-zehnte-Doctor-Bd/dp/3957982871?tag=whoview-21
Der elfte Doktor Band 1: https://www.amazon.de/Doctor-Who-elfte-Doctor-Bd/dp/395798288X?tag=whoview-21
Der zwölfte Doktor Band 1: https://www.amazon.de/Doctor-Who-zw%C3%B6lfte-Doctor-Bd/dp/3957985668?tag=whoview-21
Schon vorbestellt? 😉
Die New Series kommt zu Big Finish
Whocast #303 – The one and only #302

Whocast #303 – The one and only #302!:
Mit einem liebe Gruß an unsere Unterstützer bei Patreon, die sich dieses Thema gewünscht haben, geht es in der heutigen Folge des Whocasts um das 2013er Jubläums-Special „The five(ish) Doktors (reboot)“.
Und weil man mit „Witze nacherzählen“ keinen kompletten Cast füllen kann, haben wir auch noch ein wenig Post im Gepäck.